
Freedom? What is meant by freedom? Freedom is when you do something without people judging you and yahh freedom is all about happiness. Do whatever you want, do whatever makes you smile. But the question is why do people tend to judge people? Why do they even bother about others life? Why and still why? It's kinda weird when they also judge the way you dress. Like hello guys, we never dress to impress the others.And i  still wondering why others hate seeing you happy, why they try so hard to find our mistakes and love to see us falling down? Is that their first purpose when they were first born on Earth? I don't think so beb. Whatever it takes, believe in yourself. Believe that the only person who can makes you smile is you. Frankly speak, when people send hates to you, one word ignore. Cus you know what "Forget about your friends, they don't know who we are"-Finally Found You. And yahh sometimes, some of your friends are worth to keep and some are not. Well have a good day ahead everyone!